Ron Christian Photography: Blog en-us (C) Ronald O. Christian [email protected] (Ron Christian Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:21:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:21:00 GMT Ron Christian Photography: Blog 120 80 State Fair 2018 Tuesday shots are up Tuesday's state fair shots are up.  I have about 1/3 of Wednesday's shots up and am working on the rest today.

Photos can be found here:

State Fair 2018


[email protected] (Ron Christian Photography) Sat, 08 Sep 2018 17:27:20 GMT
Photo albums are now available from the marketplace I've added photo albums to the available products in the standard price list.  You can now create a collection and have it printed as an album.

[email protected] (Ron Christian Photography) Sun, 01 Oct 2017 19:18:37 GMT
State fair photos Due to a 2 week vacation and a very heavy schedule, I'm way behind on the state fair photos. I have all of Tuesday, Friday and Saturday up.  I think I'll work on Sunday next, unless someone has a particular day they want to see.

Sorry about the delay.  I'm up most nights working on this.  I'll get it done as soon as I can.



[email protected] (Ron Christian Photography) Sat, 30 Sep 2017 23:46:28 GMT
Website issue November-December 2016 It appears that the website broke sometime mid-November 2016.  All selling was turned off, and nobody could buy photos.  Customers could create "favorites" lists, but the "buy" button was absent.

I've corrected the problem, and it's possible to buy photos again.  I truly apologize for this.  I'm not certain how it happened, but I'm in communication with Zenfolio technical support to find the root cause and insure it doesn't happen again.



[email protected] (Ron Christian Photography) Thu, 08 Dec 2016 07:04:03 GMT
Appaloosa show in Central Point, and Oregon State Fair 9/2/2016 -- I'm currently working as ring photographer for the Oregon State Fair and as a result I'm a little behind on processing the Appaloosa photos.  The State Fair goes to Sunday.  I'm hoping to catch up over Labor Day.

[email protected] (Ron Christian Photography) Fri, 02 Sep 2016 14:37:38 GMT
Welcome to Ron Christian Photography [email protected] (Ron Christian Photography) Sun, 22 May 2016 23:49:25 GMT